Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James

We have had sunshiny weather all last week, excluding yesterday. It is amazing the effect the weather has on people and I include myself in that. The neighbours have been hanging out on the green that sits in the middle of our group of houses. I have been having lots of chat and my little man has been getting plenty of exercise running about with the other kiddies. The social element is as uplifting as the sunshine.

Today all four of us went to the park and the Botanic Gardens, hubby, son, mother and me . We had a wonderful time, just strolling in the sunshine and smiling at people. We had an interesting conversation with an old man who said the sunny weather just made him want to talk to people. I knew exactly what he meant!

We got talking to another mother who had a little girl about the same age as our son and a new born baby, seven weeks old. She was forty four. It's nice to know there are other people out there who have managed to have babies in their fourth decade of life.

Yesterday was the odd day out in recent times as it was dull and dreary. The garden cats looked bedraggledly forlorn as they gathered outside for their mealtimes. The green in front of our houses was sorrily empty. There was nobody except ourselves to talk to.

As the week comes to an end and another one begins, I am excited about what it will bring. Hopefully more sunny afternoons.............

All the best to you!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats the sunshine for getting Irish people smiling and helping with that positivity!


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